

The most problems in relationships today is the communication between the partners. Anybody try to hide his weakness and problems, masking those with work problems or tired. This have to result that we receive only the verbal communication as the most important. Unfortunately, the verbal communication make only the 7% of the messages that we send around us. The rest of this messages are sometimes the key in the stable and long range relationships with our partner.

For some peoples is hard to say his emotions but hiding it from others is more harder. If you look at the right place in right time and You understand the messages behind the words, nothing will be hided from You. Some misunderstands can be prevented if we known how the partner feel what is his attitude and what present the problem. The perception of body language and facial expressions is commonly better by woman, but the understanding and interpreting this messages is not simple. Mans find it hard to recognize female body language of attraction because is more complex that a mans bodylanguage.

Our professional web based education system provide you a rich source of learning and proofing your own knowledge about emotions and attitude, courting, behavior perception and interpretation. Lear how to be successful in relationships with your partner, child or friends and master the challenge of reach emotional life and real friendships.